
ADA Super 4 – Planted tank substrate Power Boost

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ADA Super 4 – Planted tank substrate Power Boost containing Bacter 100, Clear Super and Tourmaline BC.

ADA Super 4 – Substrate Additives


ADA Super 4 consists of Bacter 100, Clear Super and Tourmaline BC.

1. Bacter 100
It contains more than 100 kinds of substrate bacteria in a dormant state. By sprinkling on the base substrate, it can make an ideal substrate environment. Another great feature of Bacter 100 is that it can suppress the growth of green algae by applying a bit of it on the effected portion.

2. Clear Super
It is a substrate additive made from activated carbon and organic acid. Clear Super helps the growth of micro organisms. By sprinkling on the base substrate, it promotes the growth of micro organisms in the substrate and stabilizes the environment.

3. Tourmaline BC
This contains fine bamboo charcoal, giving it the ability to absorb organic pollutant substances. Add some over the substrate during the initial set-up and it will help to improve the substrate environment.


Empty the contents of the pack into the aquarium base evenly before you begin layering the Aquasoil / Power Sand. The contents can also be mixed with water and poured into an already mature aquarium on a regular basis

1 Pack is ideal for a 60x30x36 Aquarium.

Note: Will cause the water to be Cloudy if used in tanks without biological filtration system. Not for use in Marine Aquarium

Packaging sizes: 1 packet (item no. 00851)

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Swarup Roy Chowdhury

Nice product
