
Waterlife Protozin (Malachite Green) – White Spot & Fungus

No. of units sold: 12


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Waterlife Protozin – Protozoacide and fungicide for effective control of protozoan parasites e.g. whitespot, velvet, costiasis and trichodiniasis. It is used for the control of all protozoan and fungal infections e.g whitespot, fungus, neon tetra disease, velvet, costiasis and trichodiniasis.

Waterlife Protozin – White Spot & Fungus


  • Waterlife Protozin is a Protozoacide and fungicide for effective control of protozoan parasites e.g. whitespot, velvet, costiasis and trichodiniasis.
  • Protozin is used for the control of all protozoan and fungal infections e.g whitespot, fungus, neon tetra disease, velvet, costiasis and trichodiniasis.
  • You will require 4 separate applications to complete the course of treatment. By adding the treatment on days 1, 2 and 3 the product safely compounds in strength and does not burden the already stressed animals with a hard hitting formula. The final dose on day 6 is a preventative measure to try and ensure the organism does not re-occur. Protozin’s properties are highly effective at treating all its target organisms.
  • Do not use when rays, Mormrids, crustaceans or molluscs are present.
  • Suitable for tropical freshwater and cold water aquariums.

Ingredients: Malachite Green 545mg/l, Copper Sulphate 94mg/l & Formaldehyde (Stabilizer)

Dosage Calculator:

  • 5ml treats 50L of water.
  • 100ml bottle treats 1000 litres of water effectively.
  • Easy measuring: the bottle caps helps in measuring 5ml, 10ml, 15ml & 20ml.
  • Frequency: 4 days course. (Day 1, 2, 3 & 6)
  • Overdosed? Observe livestock for distress, perform small water changes if needed

Packaging sizes: 100ml bottle (item no. 00929)

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