
2hr Aquarist APT Estimative Index – For heavily planted Dutch-Style tanks

No. of units sold: 13


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2hr Aquarist APT Estimative Index – For heavily planted Dutch-Style tanks. Supremely concentrated and 100% comprehensive macro, micro and trace minerals.

2hr Aquarist APT Estimative Index – For heavily planted Dutch-Style tanks


With the 2HR Aquarist APT-EI, the famous nutrient dosing approach pioneered by Tom Barr is now available in a ready-to-use concentrate that removes the guesswork from trying to recreate this powerful and sometimes elusive formula.

An overview of the EI methodology can be found here.

How much should I use?

Dose 5ml per 100L 3 times per week or 2ml per 100L daily. Precision is less important than consistency.

Click here for more FAQs.

Packaging sizes: 200ml (item no. 10007), 500ml (item no. 10008) and 1000ml (item no. 10009)

Select the size below

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