
2hr Aquarist APT Fix – Smarter way to treat algae

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2hr Aquarist APT Fix – Smarter way to treat algae. Power meets intelligence. The best algae treatment ever.

2hr Aquarist APT Fix – Smarter way to treat algae


  • Especially effective algae control for BBA, hair/string/fuzz and most forms of filamentous algae.
  • Gently biodegrades completely.  It is an effective treatment algae control for cyanobacteria / BGA.
  • APT FIX contains a proprietary formulation of epoxy aldehydes. The aldehyde components are protein crosslinkers that deactivate algae cells by binding to their proteins. The active component activates in water, but is quickly broken down by biological microbial action, resulting in no bio-accumulation in the aquarium ecosystem in the long run. This enables APT FIX to be a safe and effective inhibitor for various freshwater algae.
  • Fish and Shrimp safe.
  • Gently bio-degrades.
  • Copper-free.

The most effective way to avoid new-tank algae problems is to properly cycle the tank before planting and introducing fish.
Inadequate Cycling often results in Diatoms ( brown fuzz on the edges of leaves or thin, brownish spider-web like strands) or Green Water ( which is triggered by excess organic waste). Also, avoid spot-dosing on Mosses, Liverworts (Riccardia and Riccia etc.) and Vallisneria (Tape Grass) as their cell structures are much more similar to algae than other plants and are therefore more susceptible to being affected.

APT Fix contains 3% Epoxy Adelhydes

Above: single spot-dose of APT Fix. By Day 2, inactive BBA usually changes color to red and/or white. By Day 7, the leaf is now mostly free of algae.

Above: single spot-dosage of APT Fix via the drain-dose method. By Day 2, hair-algae has lost some color. By Day 5, all the hair algae has been deactivated.

How much should I use?

Spot-dose up to 1ml per 10L every 24 hours. APT Fix biodegrades naturally over 24 hours. So you can repeat the recommended dosage very 24 hours.

If you are introducing new plants, or have taken out your existing plants to re-plant, you can dip your plants in an APT Fix solution before planting:

  1. Create a 5% APT Fix Solution by adding 20 parts water to 1 part APT Fix.
  2. Dip plants in Solution for around 10 seconds, not more. As usual, remember not to let the plants dry out.

APT Fix does not harm healthy fish, shrimp and other livestock within its recommended dosage. Of course, if you keep very sensitive livestock, you should avoid all products that give you any concern.

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Packaging sizes: 200ml bottle (item no. 10066) and 300ml bottle (item no. 10013)

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