
DiscusX Wormer X (Levamisole) – Effective against Parasitic Worm Infestation

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DiscusX Wormer X – Effective for freshwater and marine aquariums when fish is infected by parasitic nematodes (round worms), such as Capillaria, pentastomes, Acanthocephalan, Camallanus, discus maggot…etc. , red worms protruding from Anus, Lethargy, Nodules or Masses present in Skin or Muscle.

DiscusX Wormer X – Effective against Parasitic Worm Infestation

Description: WORMER X™ is a treatment for ornamental fish infected with parasitic round worms (nematodes) worms. It can be used in a water bath or to prepare medicated feed. Worms can live in the digestive tract or muscle tissue of the sh. In most cases worms will not be visible and infection can be confirmed by microscopic examination of fish excretion. In other cases, adult worms will be seen protruding from the fish anus.

Use when: Treatment of fish infected with parasitic nematodes (round worms), such as Capillaria, pentastomes, Acanthocephalan, Camallanus, discus maggot…etc. , red worms protruding from Anus, Lethargy, Nodules or Masses present in Skin or Muscle.


Use one level measure of the included spoon (1 gram) for every 130 gallon (500 liters) of aquarium water. If some worms like camallanus (red worms protruding from the fish anus) will require higher dose of 1 spoon (1g) for every 75 Liters (16.5 US gal). After 24 hours make 70-100% water change and add and replace the medicine according to the amount of new water only. To mix the powder properly, use a water bottle to shake the powder some aquarium water, then distribute it evenly over the water or pour it in a high flow area (ex: pump return). Repeat the above steps for 2 days. Then after 12 days from ending the treatment, repeat the course again.

Professional use: In hospital tanks, with no feeding and when using water treatment product to neutralize ammonia a single dose can be extended to 48 hours.
Read the full user guide carefully and apply all the recommended instructions.

  1. A recommended hospital tank will only contain an air stone for aeration and a heater if needed.
  2. Daily water change should be adopted as means of controlling water quality during treatment.
  3. Adding water conditioner that binds and neutralize chlorine AND ammonia is highly recommended.
  4. It is recommended to stop feeding, during the treatment if you still want to feed or must feed, do it lightly and keep more attention to siphoning away any food or fish waste daily, also in this case you MUST be using water conditioner that binds and neutralize chlorine AND ammonia.
  5. Always start by cleaning the aquarium, whipping the glass and having clean treated water at the correct conditions for the fish.
  6. In case you still treat in a display tank follow these steps to increase the success rate and reduce risk. Wipe the glass surface, siphon the substrate, and any waste accumulated under or around décor, filter media…etc. • Take care when cleaning the filter media not to do it with chlorinated water or any cleaning agent, or over cleaning it in a way that will remove most or all the beneficial bacteria(biofilm). Some products will directly kill the filter bacteria, such products will have a warning on the back of the package.

20g treats upto 5000L Aquariums.


Store in a cool (room temperature) dry place, don’t place in a fridge to avoid water condensation on and inside the package in humid environments.


Levamisole HCL

Packaging sizes: 20g bag (item no. 814143)

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